So I read him what I just posted, he said I won't get to pay the bills, because he doesn't trust me. So he is in charge of the bills, then I said I forgot the groceries, he said no that is my job too.
So now our kids and I could be without food for weeks at a time, hmm sounds like abuse. Good thing I'll have my own job, so I can have some money..hmm...
B would also like me add that I'm a psycho Blogger....
Anyway....How do your families handle it???
Owning the skies
5 years ago
7 Thoughts From Readers:
I take care of everything with the exception of the yard and anything that requires me to get on a ladder. If he isn't home, hire a lawn guy - preferably a really cute one that you can look at once a week :)
we handle things day to day, because with a child and with trips and with LIFE its just easier that way....
i do everything too. although, somehow, he doesn't think that's true...
The rule in my house is that if he's home, he helps with the housework. If he's gone, then I'll take over his normal duties.
He tried doing the "you cook/clean/etc..." routine a while ago. I told him, that's fine, but then he has to earn all the money, I won't work out of the house and he can expect a home-cooked meal everynight. I told him it wasn't fair that I would do everything ON TOP of a 9-5 job and he just gets to sit around playing on his computer... After pointing this out, he decided that it is within the realm of possibility to help around the house. Especially since he likes my added income to the household, as it allows him to have his airplane.
I was in the same situation when I got engaged to my pilot. I suddenly realized what life I was about to jump into and it freaked me out! But, I realized that I would rather be with him and deal with the downfalls of being a pilot's wife. While he's gone I take over the house duties. We dont have a yard (live in a townhome) so no one has to do yardwork. I think its fair that I have to do most of the housework, because I'm the one that lives here most of the time!
First off, I love your blog! My husband is a regional pilot too amd its just nice to know I'm not the only one that goes through what you are experiencing. Its fun to read about other's trials too.
And second the role of the pilots wife exactly how you described it. I do everything! Bills, shopping, laundry, cleaning, and parenting. Accept that when my husband's not home I can take a break until the day before he gets home and then I go into overdrive to make sure the house is perfectly clean and fridge is stocked.
I look forward to reading more of your posts. :)
ah...the joy of delegation of responsibilities...
don't do it. unless it works better for your relationship!
at my house, i expect that everyone, when able, will help out with everything.
that means, that we delegate who will do what when he is around. (the lawn however, is only done when he is's best to have someone there to watch children while the other mows!)
i, obviously, take care of household stuff when he is gone...but...i expect that he will do his fair share when home.
it also means that i get downtime when he is home. my thought is that he gets a lot more downtime (probably more than desired) when he is in his hotels...i don't get that! ever.
and wait until you both make enough money and hire out for a cleaning/lawn service. yeah, right?
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