

So...B and I are currently in a disagreement...

like right now, I hung up on him a few minutes ago, and we're talking through text, I'm fuming!!!

I've been taking golf lessons, tonight was my last night :(
I've really been enjoying them, and my instructor told me I was a natural!
I golfed a little bit back before Jr. High, never nothing serious, Just golf camp! So I really was learning fresh. So there was a deal tonight, that if you signed up for lessons, you could get additional 250 min of range time. I actually got 350 I'm sure. 
Anyway, I talked to the instuctor, he said that as well as I've done these last four weeks in a group setting that lessons, would be a really good idea. Yes, I know he was selling them, that is his job after all. Anyway, I had actually just tonight looked at my money situation, and I'm thinking I'm not going to be able to pay rent by the end of the year, so I didn't think I should get these lessons. 
However, I called my dad. Asked him about it, told him the rent situation. He said he would pay for them. So I got them. I didn't pout when asking I just simply said I was wondering if what he thought about getting them. 

Now B is mad at me because it was a waste of money and excess spending. 

I don't see why it really should be any of his business at this point.
A) we aren't married
B) its not his money
C) its my dad's 
D) I've found something I'm really starting to enjoy, and am getting the hang of
E) its an outlet for my pent up energy
F) Its a stress reliever, 
G) ITS SOMETHING FOR ME! not for anyone else. 

I don't get it. 
I know I like to buy things, I get that. I've cut back a lot on the shopping, I also get that I'm getting married in about a year. But I don't see why if my dad said yes, I should feel guilty about talking to him about it. 

Anyway I think I'm going to go look over somethings for school

Signing off
A feeling pressured to feel guilty

4 Thoughts From Readers:

Ex Wife to a Douchebag - disgusted by his white trash fiance said...

I guarantee it is because you talked to your dad, not him. Stupid, but most likely the reason he is bent.

jen said...

my daddy does the same thing for me. all. the. time.
it's what daddies do for their daughters when they can. and if you enjoy it. and it gives you something to do that makes you happy. it's fine.

Anonymous said...

A few years ago I moved cross-country to live with my (now-ex) boyfriend. I didn't have a job, and the agreement was that he would pay rent, etc, until I had a job. My dad would help out, putting money in my account so we could go eat sushi every once in a while - that's what dad's do. My boyfriend would get SOOOOOO pissed.

I think it's a man thing, that he feels like he can't support you. Even if he would never think that consciously, I think it's an ingrained, biological thing with men, to "take care of their woman."

ButterflySunshine said...

I found your blog through the pilot wives club. Nice design. I'm going to go out on a limb here hoping it's safe snce the post is a week old and not agree with you.

My hubby and I are the opposite, his parents like to give and it annoys me. Heres why, I work hard and I'm very independent. I don't like knowing that lifestyle we live isn't entirely ours, but only possible with outside help. For you it's golf, for my hubby it's car stuff.

The solution for us was a "just for me" fund. I use mine on clothes, he on car stuff. But we know that we're never spending more than WE can afford. Even if it means taking it slower than we'd like. Parents can give gifts and Christmas and Birthdays, that's it. And no asking unless it's to keep a roof over our head or food on our plates.

Anyhow, hope this helps to see the other side of the coin - don't mean to offend, I tend to blay devils advocate :)